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Call Your Closest Clinic, Australia-Wide

Splitting tablets?

Dr Deb – TMA member in Brisbane   A recent study looking at the accuracy of tablet splitting, found large variations in dose in some of the splits. Some tablets are easier to split than others, and some drugs are more dangerous than others if you get the dose slightly wrong. The major finding of […]

Wife White Knuckles – Hurning to Brisbane – in 5 hour hops

Julie Wright, Admin Staff, TMA Member Brisbane After 10 years of dreaming, and 8 months of planning, my husband and I embarked on the adventure of a lifetime in August of 2006. (Six weeks prior to departing Brisbane, we of course consulted with Dr Deb Mills to ensure our health was optimal! ) We shared […]

Exploring the World’s Remotest Rivers

… Prepared by Kevin Casey (visitor to Brisbane TMA members clinic)     One of the very best things about exploring the least known and most pristine rivers on the planet is that I experience the earth in its most natural state. What I do as the Remote River Man is certainly unique – I […]

RUM Project … Spot Quiz

What you are supposed to do with old or expired drugs that may be laying around your house? A) flush them down the toilet B) put them in the household rubbish C) thrown them in a fire D) give them to the RUM Project E) use them anyway – waste is bad The correct answer […]

Travelling Children

Travelling Children Some recent studies have documented the likelihood of illness in children travellers. They reported roughly one in 3 children who travel abroad, will acquire a travel-related illness. Diarrhoea, feverish illness, skin conditions, and respiratory problems were the most common. Infected insect bites and sunburn also rated a special mention. Risk varied by age groups […]

South Pacific – Leptospirosis

Dr Colleen Lau Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that is often misdiagnosed as dengue because symptoms can be very similar. The bacteria are carried by animals (including rodents, pets, livestock, and wildlife), and excreted in their urine. Humans can become infected by direct contact with animals, or contact with water and soil that has been […]

Island Hopping in the South Pacific

Dr Colleen Lau is one of the founding travel doctors of the TMA Perth Clinic, and also works at the TMA Brisbane Clinic. Over the past 3 years, she has travelled around the South Pacific for tropical medicine research projects and consultancies, and has just completed a PhD in infectious disease epidemiology at the University […]

Melatonin And Jet Lag

Melatonin is the hormone of darkness – a hormone from the pineal gland in the brain which controls the body’s internal clock. Melatonin levels increase when it is dark outside and this causes you to feel sleepy. A great deal of research is being undertaken on melatonin to clarify its role in treatment of jetlag. […]

Volubilis, Morocco

Prepared by Dr Deb Mills – TMA member Brisbane Volubilis is a partly excavated Roman ruin in northern Morocco. Built in a fertile agricultural area, it was developed from the 3rd century BC onwards as a Phoenician/Carthaginian settlement. It grew rapidly under Roman rule from the 1st century AD onwards and expanded to cover an area […]

Egypt – Hot air balloon disaster

We are all saddened by the tragic story of the 19 tourists killed in Egypt after their balloon flight went horribly wrong.WHO reports Tourists are 10 times more likely to die as the result of an injury than from an infectious disease ; injuries cause 23% of tourist deaths compared with only 2% caused by […]