Sri Lanka Tour
… Prepared by Dr Robyn Dawson TMA Member Burnie, Tasmania Here I am sitting poolside somewhere between overheated and hot just from the exertion of
… Prepared by Dr Robyn Dawson TMA Member Burnie, Tasmania Here I am sitting poolside somewhere between overheated and hot just from the exertion of
… Prepared by TMA Member Yeppoon, Qld: Megan Young (medical student) Travelling to third world countries as part of a medical attachment can be a life
… Prepared by TMA Member Yeppoon, Qld: Dr Julie Burke Travelling with children can be very rewarding. People of all ages and cultures are drawn especially
Brian and Debbie don their back-packs and pretend they are young – a year in South America. Intrepid travellers from way back, my husband and
The Philippines is regularly battered by tropical cyclones that bring flooding to large portions of the country from late May to early December. Leptospirosis
… Prepared by TMA Member Wembley, WA: Dr Shane Leavy The Fremantle to Bali Yacht Race was held for the first time this year after a
Prepared by TMA member Wembley, WA: Dr David Rowse It’s that time of year when we get more trekkers through the travel clinic in search
… Prepared by TMA Clayton, Vic: Dr Craig Blandy, Travel Risk has a Social Denominator The university traveller travels to a university in another country
Dr Jason Rajakulendran, TMA member Sandringham, Victoria: As I marvelled over another penguin documentary in 2010, I wondered.. for what length of time would Antarctica remain
…Written by Alice Springs TMA member : Dr D Mitchell Special issues regarding flying Cerebral oedema (swelling on the brain) may develop at altitude in people
What you are supposed to do with old or expired drugs that may be laying around your house? A) flush them down the toilet B)
Travelling Children Some recent studies have documented the likelihood of illness in children travellers. They reported roughly one in 3 children who travel abroad, will acquire
TMA Member Goondiwindi : Dr Rowena Sheppard The 77 kilometre long engineering feat known as the Panama Canal, is truly awe inspiring – a testimony to foresight
TMA Member – Geelong Dr Paul Davey Dr Paul Davey the medical director of The Travel Medicine Alliance Clinic Travel Health Geelong has recently
Prepared by TMA Member Maitland Public Health Physicians also need travel health advice. Another satisfied (and healthy) Chromis customer. And the beautiful fish is our symbol. Check our website for more information on us
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