Call Your Closest Clinic, Australia-Wide
Call Your Closest Clinic, Australia-Wide


  prepared by Dr Joan Chamberlain, TMA member in Rockhampton. Generally we felt reasonably secure but all bags must be held close and be closed firmly. Pick pockets do well. Loose items disappear quickly. We let our guard down in the last 15 minutes before leaving the conference hotel (5 star) and were rewarded with one of our […]

Tran Siberian Express

Prepared by TMA member Gold Coast Travel Health Doctors Gold Coast clients, Kate and Matt experienced the longest and arguably one of the most fascinating train journeys of all time – the Trans Siberian Express. The couple boarded the train in Frankfurt then onward to Warsaw and St Petersburg. The official journey then commenced in […]

Safety of DEET (N,N,-diethyl-m-toluamide)

Insect repellents containing DEET are the most effective and the most commonly used world wide. DEET has been available commercially for over 50 years and has been studied extensively. It is thought that DEET works by interfering with the mosquito antennae function, effectively making humans invisible to the mosquito. Generally, the duration of protection is […]

Wife White Knuckles – Hurning to Brisbane – in 5 hour hops

Julie Wright, Admin Staff, TMA Member Brisbane After 10 years of dreaming, and 8 months of planning, my husband and I embarked on the adventure of a lifetime in August of 2006. (Six weeks prior to departing Brisbane, we of course consulted with Dr Deb Mills to ensure our health was optimal! ) We shared […]

Traveling with Diabetes

While you’re having a great time on your holiday, if you have diabetes you need to continue your monitoring and care routine. Having meals later or more irregularly than usual, time zone changes and the heat of tropical countries can all affect how well you manage your blood sugar levels. Before you hit the road, […]

Riding Motorbikes in Vietnam; THINK TWICE!

… Prepared by TMA Member Narre Warren: Dr Michael Long There is plenty of evidence statistics to suggest that Vietnam is quite simply in love with the motorbike. Motorbike travel in Vietnam was popularised further with Western TV viewers with the 2008-9 Top Gear Vietnam special where the heroic Jeremy Clarkson with his friends May and Hammond sputtered […]

Exploring the World’s Remotest Rivers

… Prepared by Kevin Casey (visitor to Brisbane TMA members clinic)     One of the very best things about exploring the least known and most pristine rivers on the planet is that I experience the earth in its most natural state. What I do as the Remote River Man is certainly unique – I […]

Traveller’s Thrombosis

 … Prepared by Dr Cormac Carey – TMA member Toowoomba Travellers Thrombosis or Deep Vein thrombosis (DVT) is a rare but dangerous medical problem which occurs when blood in the legs of travellers clots. The serious problems occur when the clot dislodges from the leg and moves to the heart or lungs where it interferes […]

Exercise in Type 1 Diabetics

… Prepared by Dr Norman Hohl – TMA member Gold Coast A fascinating presentation in Perth late yesterday at the Australian Diabetes Conference by a Paul Fournier showed the progressive fall in glucose for 2hrs after moderate exercise in Type 1 Diabetes, can be prevented by a 10 sec maximum intensity sprint immediately after the moderate […]

If You Can’t Afford Insurance You Can’t Afford To Travel

… Prepared by Dr Robyn Dawson TMA Member Burnie, Tasmania Australians are making 6 million overseas trips each year. The first half of this year saw 1.5 million more travellers departing Australia than incoming tourists. In keeping with Australian’s larrikin reputation, travellers are becoming more adventurous, exploring more remote and dangerous destinations with more challenging […]