Call Your Closest Clinic, Australia-Wide
Call Your Closest Clinic, Australia-Wide

Sri Lanka Tour

… Prepared by Dr Robyn Dawson TMA Member Burnie, Tasmania Here I am sitting poolside somewhere between overheated and hot just from the exertion of walking from the hotel room up through the reception and dining room of this magic old English colonial hotel with a romantic story to keep you on the edge of […]

Elephantiasis – Sri Lanka

… Prepared by TMA Member Yeppoon, Qld: Megan Young (medical student) Travelling to third world countries as part of a medical attachment can be a life changing event with life long learned skills and memorable experiences. This 64 year old gent was happy to share his story with Megan Young, our final year medical student, presently […]

Immunisation – Children and Travel

… Prepared by TMA Member Yeppoon, Qld: Dr Julie Burke Travelling with children can be very rewarding. People of all ages and cultures are drawn especially towards children, often making the family travel experience especially fulfilling. Travelling with children does, however, pose some extra challenges. Ensuring optimum preventative care with pre travel vaccinations can eliminate some […]

A Year in South America

Brian and Debbie don their back-packs and pretend they are young – a year in South America. Intrepid travellers from way back, my husband and I, at 53 years old, found ourselves rattling around in our huge empty nest, encumbered by possessions, job security, and misguided ideas that our adult children still needed us. We […]

Philippines and Thailand – Leptospirosis Risk

  The Philippines is regularly battered by tropical cyclones that bring flooding to large portions of the country from late May to early December. Leptospirosis is a disease associated with freshwater flooding and is an infection commonly transmitted to humans from water that has been contaminated by animal urine (usually rats), and comes in contact […]

Racing To Paradise – Fremantle to Bali

… Prepared by  TMA Member Wembley, WA: Dr Shane Leavy The Fremantle to Bali Yacht Race was held for the first time this year after a 14-year hiatus. Having sailed as a kid and more recently raced across the Atlantic I was more than keen to be a part of this adventure.I recently joined the team […]

Trekking Ethics

Prepared by  TMA member Wembley, WA:  Dr David Rowse It’s that time of year when we get more trekkers through the travel clinic in search of advice about safety in the mountains for their coming adventure. These intrepid travellers will be either trekking by themselves or in groups and most will be seeking the assistance […]

The University Traveller

… Prepared by  TMA  Clayton, Vic:  Dr Craig Blandy, Travel Risk has a Social Denominator The university traveller travels to a university in another country for their studies or work. Over 2 million people travel for this purpose each year. The Australian Government Outbound Mobility Study (2008) states that there are 400,000 inbound people living […]

Antarctica 2012

Dr Jason Rajakulendran, TMA member Sandringham, Victoria: As I marvelled over another penguin documentary in 2010, I wondered.. for what length of time would Antarctica remain as it does today? A place of unparalleled isolation, natural beauty and biological diversity yet relatively untouched by human activity. In a win for common sense, an Antarctic treaty exists […]

Travelling with Cancer

…Written by Alice Springs TMA member : Dr D Mitchell Special issues regarding flying Cerebral oedema (swelling on the brain) may develop at altitude in people with brain tumours and within 6 weeks of craniotomy. Although there is no specific data to support the practice, anecdotally those patients with a brain tumour who are stable on […]